The results are in! Please congratulate your Summer 2023 Winners and auto-qualified for VQT:8 BALL: 2 Legit 2 Quit
10 BALL: No English
This past Thursday was the last week of Summer session. Next Thursday 08/24/23 is an off week, so enjoy yourself! Fall session picks back up the following Thurs 08/31/23. If there are any team roster changes, please let us know ASAP!
Recapping what was discussed in the league meeting:
- Fall Session is the last chance for players to qualify for VQT & Nationals.
- Qualification is 8 matches played in each format in at least one session this year
- Nationals will be done differently in 2024 Vegas, going from a traditional double elimination to a 2 stage format
- This guarantees 5 matches played without going 2 and out
- Teams will play 5 different randomized match-ups in race format (handicap will be calculated according to Fargo Rate)
- Points earned at the end of the 5 match-ups will determine if team moves on to stage 2 (top 40% advances)
- Stage 2 is single elimination
**NOTE: Our VQT in January will still be done in traditional double elimination format.
We want to thank everyone for being super patient with us as we try to grow this division. It’s still a work in progress as always, but we do have some new teams coming on board. We have 2 teams coming in Fall, with the potential of max 4 teams joining. We’re super excited for this expansion! See you all in 2 weeks!
Congrats to Thomas G for his 8 WZ patch win!
We officially have the 5th team roster for the start of the Fall Session! We are very excited for the new addition.
Last week, Andrea was able to pocket one ball off the break before calling it quits, taking home $89.00 from the 1 freebie captain ticket.
This brings the 10 ball B&R to $87.00 per ball. Best of luck to the next drawn contestant!
Congrats to the following 8 WZ patch winners: Geury M, Steven K, Ross G, and Shane P!
There are 3 weeks of league left, including tonight. Last week of league is 08/17/23. There is 1 week off, then Fall session picks up 08/31/23. Team captains – if there are any changes in your roster, please let us know as soon as possible.
We have a 5th team coming in Fall Session! This means there will be a bye week in the Fall.
The 10 ball B&R is currently at $84.00 per ball. Good luck to the next contestant!
Scores have been updated. Please congratulate patch winner Quyen T for his 8 ball B&R!
We hope everyone has been enjoying the 10 ball break & run pot on Thursdays! If you have any ideas and/or suggestions, please let us know. We’ll be glad to accommodate the best we can!
The current 10 ball B&R pot is at $650.00, with each ball pocketed worth $65.00. Good luck to the next drawn contestant!
Wishing everyone a happy and safe 4th of July!
NEW TO THURSDAYS! We will now be hosting a 10 ball break & run on Thursdays, starting tomorrow 06/22/23! We have been doing this at the Montrose location since August 2021, but delayed bringing it over to Biggles due to the small league size. However, after a few asks, we are fulfilling the members’ requests! There will be a separate running pot for the Biggles location, which will be included in the weekly updates. It will start at the same amount as the Montrose location. Keep in mind – it went from $40.00 per ball to currently $715.00 per ball at Montrose. It CAN get big! 🙂 Please see the information below.- Team Captains will receive 1 free break & run pot ticket per league night
- Cash or Digital payments accepted for ticket purchase(s)
- Digital payouts ONLY. Cash will not be kept onsite
- Only valid for current USAPL members
- All break & run attempts will be recorded.
- If your ticket is drawn, you may ask another USAPL member to break for you. It is between you two how the payout will be split.
All scores have been updated! Please congrat the following patch winners: Glenn H & Iain M, both for 8 WZ!
Next week will be the halfway mark of the summer session. Please make sure you have met your minimum 8 matches in each discipline in order to qualify for our yearly Vegas Qualifying Tournament (VQT) taking place in early January, thereby also qualifying for Vegas. If you have any questions, please reach out!
We have also been getting a few other suggestions as well. Keep them coming!
This weekend is a celebration of fathers. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads!
All scores have been updated!
We recently had a team captain’s meeting with all the team captains of Houston USAPL. We received some great feedback and suggestions, and we would like to start rolling them out as soon as we can.
For the Biggles location, one of the more prominent comments we received was the lack of awards per session. We hear you, and we are answering your requests!
Beginning this session (Summer 2023), we will start providing patches available for certain accolades, as well as award trophies/plaques for the first place teams at the end of each session. For a list of available patches, please CLICK HERE. We will be backtracking to the first week of Summer Session to acknowledge those who would have received patches.
Please congratulate the following players:
Name Patch Earned Terrance W 8 Win Zip Steven K 8 Table Run Steven K 8 Break & Run Gabriel K 8 Win Zip Ross G 8 Break & Run Iain M 8 Table Run
If you have any additional suggestions, feel free to let us know! We’ll do what we can to make it happen within our capabilities.
All scores have been updated!
We have a few people on a waiting list needing a team. We’re still working on bringing in a 5th team into the mix. If you have anyone interested, please spread the word and help this location grow!
Apologies for the missing updates – we’ve been busy the past couple of weeks! Weekly updates WILL be resuming!
Please welcome our newest league member: Hunter G! We’re glad to have you on board!
Just a friendly reminder that bonus points have been in effect for the past 2 weeks! Every team is eligible to get an additional 100 points per night: 50 for matching scoresheet with opponents + 50 for league dues paid within 24 hours from end of league night. With 15 weeks of bonus points in this session at 100 points per week, that’s a potential additional 1,500 points to gain throughout this session, for 8 & 10 ball each. Don’t lose out on freebie points!
This past Saturday was our 8 ball Singles Board qualifier tournament. Please congratulate SHANE P for winning a spot in the Singles VQT! Great job!
Happy Cinco de Mayo! Scores have been updated! Summer Session has officially started, and we hope to continue to grow this location. We are close to creating a 5th team with 4 people currently on the waitlist. If you know anyone interested in playing, please let us know!
As mentioned in the league meeting yesterday, we will start implementing bonus points starting NEXT Thursday 05/11/23. There will be 50 points awarded for match scoresheets to your opponent’s, and 50 points awarded for league dues paid within 24 hours after league night. This totals a possible 100 additional FREE points to each team. With 15 weeks remaining at 100 points per week, that’s an additional 1,600 possible points added – all for checking and submitting team scoresheets and submitting league dues on time. Don’t miss out on these freebie points!
A reminder that tomorrow, Sat 05/06, will be our USAPL Open 8 ball tournament. This is FREE for current USAPL members. Winner of this tournament will win free league dues for this Summer Session. Format will be USAPL scoring, double elimination. Location is at Slicks Fountain View, starting at 11 AM (doors open at 10 AM for practice). We hope to see you there!
The next Singles Board will take place Sat 05/20 at Slicks Fountain View, starting at NOON. Any current USAPL member can participate with a $25.00 entry. Winner will qualify for Singles VQT.
The final results are in! Apologies for the delay – we had to wait for a few things to be submitted before any updates can be done. Without further ado, please congratulate your Spring 2023 Winners and auto-qualified for VQT:
8 BALL: No English
10 BALL: 2 Legit 2 Quit
The open Scotch Doubles tournament on Sat 04/29 was a success with 15 teams and 3 winners. Our very own Montrose members took the win – congrats to Brett S and Daniel G on taking the win!
Scotch Doubles league began Mon 05/01 at Slicks Fountain View. No combined Fargo cap for teams with a chance to win a trip to Puerto Rico and/or cash tournament at the end of the session for members in good standings with the league. Always looking to add teams to this format. Please contact League Op for more details.
Summer session begins tomorrow 05/04/23. Any roster changes have been updated. If you see something amiss, please let us know!
The USAPL Open 8 ball tournament to win free dues for Summer Session will take place Sat 05/06 at Slicks Fountain View. Doors open at 10 AM, tournament starts 11 AM. Double Elimination, USAPL paper scoring. Best of luck to all participants!