2022 Fall Updates


We would like to congratulate the winners of the playoffs from last night, and thereby, the final 2 teams to play in the Vegas Qualifying Tournament happening in January:


Spring 2023 session starts Tues, Jan 03. This will count towards qualifications for Vegas in 2024.

The 2023 Vegas Qualifying Tournament will take place in January:
8 Ball: Sat, 01/07/23 @ Slicks Montrose @ 10 AM.
9 Ball: Sat, 01/14/23 @ BigGles @ 10 AM.
To see those qualified, please check the VQT Info Page

Have a wonderful holiday and stay warm! See you next year! 🙂


Congrats to the following patch winners, all 9 SNAPs: Nancy P, Andrew V, and Blake C!

All scoresheets have been entered. Here are the final results for the Fall Session:

Congratulations to Fall Session first place winners!

Vegas Qualified Teams:
8 Ball: POCKET SHOTS (3rd place auto qualified)
9 Ball: NIGHT MOVES (2nd place auto qualified)

Playoff Teams:
Playoffs take place next Tues 12/20 @ 7:30 PM
8 Ball: CUE TANG CLAN (6th place) vs SHOT CALLERS (7th place)
9 Ball: CUE TANG CLAN (3rd place) vs SHOT FOR SHOT (5th place)

Playoff FYIs:

  • Free of charge
  • Participants must have 6+ matches to play
  • No playbacks allowed
  • Running 2 tables at a time

There will NOT be a 10 ball B&R during playoffs, but everyone is encouraged to come out and cheer on your fellow league members. Best of luck to all the participants!

Recap from last evening’s league meeting:

  • No playoffs starting next year – top 2 teams will auto qualify
  • VQT dates reiterated: 8 ball @ Slicks Montrose on 01/07 starting at 10 AM – Will cater lunch. 9 ball @ BIGgles on 01/14 starting at 10 AM – they are able to serve food
  • There will be 2 VQTs happening at the same time (1 for each location). Team captains, please work with each other when it comes to put up for members playing for both locations.

Spring Session begins back up TUESDAY 01/03/23. Until we see you then, have a wonderful break! Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! 🙂


All scoresheets have been received and updated! Thank you everyone for being so diligent with your makeup matches. You all rock!!!

Congrats to the following patch winners: Conner C (8 WZ) and Sam W (9 BR)!

Next Tues 12/13 is the last week of the Fall Session! We will be having a quick league meeting before the night starts, so please be there a little earlier if possible. Few topics of discussion: Spring session, new team formation, VQT dates & times & setup, misc other updates, and open to any questions.

The following Tues 12/20 will be playoff week for participating teams. Those teams will be announced as soon as we have all the scoresheets entered. As a reminder – playoffs are FREE of charge. Other teams not participating are encouraged to come and support your fellow league members (and still get to practice for free at other tables). Make sure all playoff participants have at least 6 matches in one session on the team in order to participate. Vegas Qualifying Tournament requires 8 matches in one session on the team.

The current pot for the 10 ball B&R is at $3,230.00 with each ball worth $323.00 apiece. At Sloppy Seconds, that is $161.00 per ball. Good luck to the next drawn contestant!

Table assignments for 12/13 (HOME vs AWAY):
Pocket Shots vs Cue Tang Clan – 15 / 16
Tuff Break vs The Misfits – 17 / 18
Night Moves vs Lady & Champs – 19 / 20
Shot Callers vs Stick Em Up – 22 / 23
Shot for Shot – BYE WEEK


Scoresheets that have been submitted have all been updated. We are still missing a couple, so keep that in mind when looking at current standings. Teams who have not submitted their scoresheets, please do so as soon as possible! We have 2 more weeks of league play left (including tonight). Any scoresheets not submitted without valid reason will be considered as forfeits! Please let us know if you have any issues.

Congrats to the following patch winners: Brett S (8 TR) and Chuck R (8 WZ)!

With the new session right around the corner, we would like to try and continue growing the league. We’ve had 9 teams for the past 2 sessions and at this time, all teams are full up. While that is fantastic, this also leaves no room for new players to join, which is where we stand today. There are a handful of players interested without a team to go to. Therefore, we would like to offer any team member to voluntarily leave their current team and join a brand new 10th team. For your efforts, we will offer free league play after 10 matches played on the new team for one session (so 6 free weeks of play at the end of the session). No worries – we will make sure to fill out all teams as needed the best we can!

The aim of this is twofold:
– 1. This allows the new team to have some established players who know how the league operates without a whole team of newbies scrambling to figure things out on their own; and
– 2. This allows players to become established members of the new team and also qualify for Vegas.

We know that team dynamic is very important. We also know that stagnancy can breed boredom – we would never want that to happen. We hope that by offering the opportunity for volunteers to join a new team, we will have new dynamics to experience. Please reach out to us if you’re interested!

The current pot for the 10 ball B&R is at $3,110.00 with each ball worth $311.00 apiece. At Sloppy Seconds, that is $155.00 per ball. Good luck to the next drawn contestant!

Table assignments for 12/06 (HOME vs AWAY):
Lady & Champs vs Tuff Break – 22 / 23
Stick Em Up vs Night Moves – 15 / 16
Cue Tang Clan vs Shot for Shot – 17 / 18
Misfits vs Shot Callers – 19 / 20
Pocket Shots – BYE WEEK


Congrats to the following patch winners: Justin G (8 TR) and Michael M (9 SNAP)!

Scoresheets that have been submitted have all been updated. We are still missing a couple due to makeups (previously approved), so keep that in mind when looking at current standings.

Next week is Thanksgiving and we will NOT have league on Tues 11/22. Enjoy your week off and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

The following week 11/29, there will NOT be a 10 ball B&R drawing. It will resume the week after on 12/6.

Playoffs for the Fall Session will take place on Tues 12/20 for teams that are participating. Those teams will be announced as soon as the final scoresheets have been submitted and updated.

Spring 2023 session starts Jan 03. This will count towards qualifications for Vegas in 2024.

The 2023 Vegas Qualifying Tournament will take place in January:
8 Ball: Sat, 01/07/23 @ Slicks Montrose @ 10 AM.
9 Ball: Sat, 01/14/23 @ BigGles @ 10 AM.
To see those qualified, please check the VQT Info Page

This past Tuesday’s drawn contestant Agustin T broke dry. JaRon D got his chance at Sloppy Seconds. He pocketed one ball off the break and decided that was enough, taking in $162.00. Congrats!

Table assignments for 11/29 (HOME vs AWAY):
– Misfits vs Stick Em Up (17 / 18)
– Shot Callers vs Shot for Shot (22 / 23)
– Pocket Shots vs Night Moves (19 / 20)
– Tuff Break vs Cue Tang Clan (15 / 16)
– Lady & Champs (BYE WEEK)


Congrats to the following patch winners: Jason H (8 BR) and Robert B (8 WZ)!

Last week’s drawn contestant Robert B broke dry. Phillip C got his chance at Sloppy Seconds. He pocketed one ball off the break and decided that was enough, taking in $158.00. Congrats!

The current pot is now at $3,240.00 with each ball worth $324.00 apiece. Sloppy Seconds at $162.00 per ball. Good luck to the next drawn contestant!

Table assignments for 11/15 (HOME vs AWAY):
– Shot for Shot vs Lady & Champs: 19 / 20
– Night Moves vs Shot Callers: 17 / 18
– Cue Tang Clan vs Misfits: 22 / 23
– Stick Em Up vs Pocket Shots: 15 / 16
– Tuff Break : BYE WEEK


Scores have been updated! Please also welcome our newest league members: Michael, Kelly, and Russell! Glad to have you join us!

Congrats to the following patch winners: Jason H (8 WZ), Regina G (8 WZ), Genaro M (9 SNAP), Doug G (9 SNAP), KC (9 SNAP), Conner C (9 SNAP), Egar T (9 BR)!

The current 10 B&R pot is now at $316.00 per ball with last week’s rollover. At Sloppy Seconds, it will be $158.00 apiece. Good luck to the next drawn contestant!

Table assignments for 11/08 (HOME vs AWAY):
– Misfits vs Shot for Shot (15 / 16)
– Tuff Break vs Night Moves (22 / 23)
– Pocket Shots vs Lady & Champs (17 / 18)
– Cue Tang Clan vs Stick Em Up (19 / 20)
– Shot Callers (BYE WEEK)


Happy first of November! Just 5 more weeks of league left. Holiday season is just around the corner. There will be some off weeks to accomodate for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We will post them as reminders the closer the dates get.

Table assignments for 11/01 (HOME vs AWAY):
Shot for Shot vs Pocket Shots – 21 / 22
Lady & Champs vs Shot Callers – 15 / 16
Night Moves vs Misfits – 19 / 20
Stick Em Up vs Tuff Break – 17 / 18
Cue Tang Clan – BYE WEEK


Congrats to the following patch winners: Edgar T (8 BR), Sam W (8 WZ), and Edgar Martinez (8 BR)!

The current 10 B&R pot is now at $360.00 per ball with last week’s rollover. At Sloppy Seconds, it will be $180.00 apiece. Good luck to the next drawn contestant!

Table assignments for 10/25 (HOME vs AWAY):
Cue Tang Clan vs Night Moves – 17 / 18
Pocket Shots vs Stick Em Up – 15 / 16
Tuff Break vs Shot for Shot – 19 / 20
Shot Callers vs Lady & Champs – 21 / 22
The Misfits – BYE WEEK


Congrats to the following patch winners from the past 2 weeks: MJ (8 TR), Melvin P (8 BR, 8 WZ, 9 SNAP), Darryl C (8 WZ), Chelsea G (9 SNAP), Agustin T (9 SNAP), William G (9 BR), Anthony G (9 BR), Christian H (9 SNAP)! We would also like to welcome our newest league member: Edgar M! We are glad to have you join us!

We are now hitting the middle of the session. This is a really good spot to start making sure that you will be getting your required 8 matches in. Keep in mind that there are still BYE weeks to consider. Participation in the Vegas Qualifying Tournament (VQT) in January to play for the Vegas trip MUST require 8 matches in the discipline you wish to play for – no exceptions! This is required on the National level and we have to abide by those rules as well. If you do not know how to check your number of weeks played (this info is provided weekly), please reach out to your team captain first, then contact the league operator for any additional questions.

The current pot is now at $338.00 per ball with last week’s rollover. At Sloppy Seconds, it will be $169.00 apiece. Good luck to the next drawn contestant!

Table assignments for 10/18 (HOME vs AWAY):
Night Moves vs Stick Em Up – 21 / 22
Tuff Break vs Shot Callers – 15 / 16
Cue Tang Clan vs Lady & Champs – 19 / 20
The Misfits vs Pocket Shots – 17 / 18
Shot for Shot – BYE WEEK


A quick and simple update for tonight.

Table assignments (HOME vs AWAY):
Tuff Break vs Night Moves – 17 / 18
Lady & Champs vs Shot for Shot – 21 / 22
Misfits vs Cue Tang Clan – 15 / 16
Shot Callers vs Stick Em Up – 19 / 20
BYE WEEK – Pocket Shots

10 B&R currently at $309.00 per ball


Congratulations to the following patch winners: Brandon R (8 BR) and Blake C, Christian H, & Bryan L (8 WZ)!

Last week’s drawn contestant Robert B broke dry. Thomas G got his chance at Sloppy Seconds. He pocketed one ball off the break and decided that was enough, taking in $142.00. Congrats!

The current pot is now at $2,930.00 with each ball worth $293.00 apiece. Good luck to the next drawn contestant!

Table assignments for 10/04 (HOME vs AWAY):
– Night Moves vs Misfits (19 / 20)
– Stick Em Up vs Lady & Champs (17 / 18)
– Pocket Shots vs Shot for Shot (15 / 16)
– Cue Tang Clan vs Shot Callers (21 / 22)
– Tuff Break (BYE WEEK)


Congrats to the following patch winners: Sam W (8 TR), Genaro M (8 WZ), and Regina G (9 SNAP)!

We had 17 players participate in the USAPL open 8 ball tournament. Congratulations to the winner MJ coming back from the lower bracket to beat the undefeated Andrea H twice for double dip. Great job! He’ll be playing for free the rest of fall session.

We have updates on the dates & locations for the VQT in January. Please mark these in your calendars! Sat, January 7 – 8 ball @ Slicks Montrose and Sat, January 14 – 9 & 10 ball @ BIGgles. That way, both locations are equally represented. Both divisions will be running their own VQT separate from each other. If you are playing in both locations, be sure to coordinate between the match-ups to ensure there is no holdup.

Another congrats to the lucky drawn contestant for the 10 B&R last week: Reeves! He pocketed one ball off the break and made another shot before taking the winnings. Good thing it was the 1 ball or else it’d be a rollover!

The current pot is now at $2,840.00 with each ball worth $284.00 apiece. Good luck to the next drawn contestant!

Table assignments for 09/27 (HOME vs AWAY):
– Stick Em Up vs Cue Tang Clan (15 / 16)
– Lady & Champs vs Misfits (21 / 22)
– Pocket Shots vs Tuff Break (19 / 20)
– Shot for Shot vs Night Moves (17 / 18)
– Shot Callers (BYE WEEK)


Congrats to our sole patch winner last week, Edgar T for 8 WZ!

Reminder: This coming Sat 09/24 – Open 8 ball tournament for all USAPL members! Free entry and Winner gets free dues all session! It will be held at Slicks on Montrose starting at 11 AM. Doors open at 10 AM for practice. It will be double elimination, USAPL scoring on paper. We hope to see you there!

Bonus points will start as of today! Again, it is 100 total per week (50 for matching scoresheets submitted + 50 for paid team dues at the end of league night). Practically freebie points, so don’t let them go to waste!

The current pot is now at $3,160.00 with each ball worth $316.00 apiece! Good luck to the next drawn contestant!

Table assignments for 09/20 (HOME vs AWAY):
– Pocket Shots vs Shot Callers – 21 / 22
– Cue Tang Clan vs Shot for Shot – 19 / 20
– The Misfits vs Stick Em Up – 17 / 18
– Tuff Break vs Lady & Champs – 15 / 16
– Night Moves – BYE WEEK


Scores have been updated. Congrats to the following patch winners: Alan (8 WZ), Thomas & Hannibal (9 SNAP)! Please also welcome our newest league member: Reeves!

The current pot is now at $2,960.00 with each ball worth $296.00 apiece. Good luck to the next drawn contestant!

Table assignments for 09/13 (HOME vs AWAY):
– Lady & Champs vs Pocket Shots (17 / 18)
– Shot Callers vs Night Moves (19 / 20)
– Stick Em Up vs Tuff Break (21 / 22)
– Shot for Shot vs The Misfits (15 / 16)
– Cue Tang Clan (BYE WEEK)


Updates have been completed. Congrats to the following patch winners: Mike C & Daniel G for 8 WZ!

First week of the Fall session is in! We have a few new faces this time around and we would like to welcome them all aboard. Say hello to: Shane, Sonny, and Nick! We’re excited to have you all join us!

As with previous sessions, bonus points will be awarded starting in WEEK 4, so as to allow the first 3 weeks for players to get acclimated. Each team can get a max of 100 bonus points per week: 50 points for all dues submitted at the end of league night + 50 points for matching scoresheets with opponent. As this is the last session to qualify, every single point counts! Don’t let the easy 100 bonus points slip away!

Recap of the league meeting from Tuesday:

  • Dedicated league text line is 832-400-3033. Please do not opt out. If you opted out in error, opt back in by texting ‘BILLIARDS’ to the number.
  • Open 8 ball tournament on Saturday 09/24 @ Slicks starting 11 AM, available to all USAPL members. Winner gets free league dues for the Fall session.
  • Make sure the minimum of 8 matches in the discipline you qualify for is met to ensure Vegas qualifications
  • We are looking for a Tournament Director to run singles tournaments at least once a month starting 2023. Please contact us if you’re interested.

The lucky drawn contestant from Tuesday was AARON! He pocketed one ball off the break and went for one more shot before calling it quits. At $305.00 per ball, he took home $610.00 off a 5 ticket purchase. Congratulations!

The current pot is now at $2,770.00 with each ball worth $277.00 apiece. Good luck to the next drawn contestant!

Table assignments for 09/06 (HOME vs AWAY):
– The Misfits vs Shot Callers (21 / 22)
– Cue Tang Clan vs Tuff Break (17 / 18)
– Shot for Shot vs Stick Em Up (19 / 20)
– Night Moves vs Pocket Shots (15 / 16)
– Lady & Champs (BYE WEEK)


Tomorrow is the first day of Fall session! We’re excited to see everyone on Tuesdays again for the next 15 weeks. The schedule has been generated along with team rosters. Please let us know of any changes as soon as possible.

This is the last session to qualify your players for Vegas Qualifying Tournament and for Vegas Nationals in 2023. Please check your rosters for the year and see who needs to meet match requirements (minimum of 8 weeks played per format in one session in 2022). You can view more info on the Vegas Qualifier Tournament page. If you have any questions, please let us know!

The 10 ball B&R will pick back up tomorrow with each ball worth $305.00. Sloppy Seconds will still be in effect.

The previous captain/co-captain tournament is now switching to an USAPL open 8 ball singles tournament. It takes place SATURDAY 09/24 at Slicks, starting at 11 AM. Doors open at 10 AM for practice. The winner of the tournament wins free league dues for the fall session.

Table assignments for 08/30/22 (HOME vs AWAY):
– Shot Callers vs Shot for Shot (17 / 18)
– Lady & Champs vs Night Moves (19 /20 )
– Pocket Shots vs Cue Tang Clan (21 / 22)
– Tuff Break vs The Misfits (15 / 16)
– Stick Em Up (BYE WEEK)