Spring Session has come to a close. Please congratulate the winners for the Spring Session and auto-qualified for the Vegas Qualifying Tournament at the end of the year:8 BALL: SHOT FOR SHOT
Please also congratulate the 2nd place teams for getting the 2nd auto-qualified spot for the VQT:
8 Ball: Calling All Pockets
9 Ball: Cue Tang Clan
This year, we are adding 8 ball WILD CARD TEAMS into the mix! More details to come later. But know that your YEAR long performances WILL play a factor!
Congrats to the following patch winners:
8 WZ: Zaid B, Michael W, Chelsea G, Bert S, Sebastian G, Ximena D, Adrian B
8 TR: Jeff C, Naresh L, Christian H, Phillip C
8 BR: John F, Matt B, Naresh L
9 SNAP: Geury M, Phillip C, Edgar Mart., Kiem B, Myda V, Drew M, Saxon Y, Sebastian G
9 BR: Jason B, Rebecca B, JoAnn C, Naresh L, Sam W, Steven K
Summer Session picks back up next week on Tuesday, MAY 7TH. We have added teams calling Fountain View their home location, so we will see more open tables at Montrose and more presence at Fountain View. Excited to keep this momentum going! As usual, the 10 ball B&R will NOT be happening the first night of league, so it will resume 05/14/24.
The summer session USAPL 8 Ball Open Tournament will take place SAT MAY 11th at Slicks Fountain View. Doors open at 10 AM, tournament start at 11 AM. Double elimination, USAPL paper scoring. Open to all current USAPL members, free to play! Prize for winner is free USAPL league dues for the remainder of the summer session.
See you all in the Summer Session aka NEXT WEEK!
Please welcome our newest league members: Danielle D, Jeff C, Andrew F, Naresh L, and Marc J! We’re glad to have you all!All scores have been updated! We have 3 more weeks of league play left in the Spring Session. The Summer Session starts back up Tuesday, May 7th. Captains – if there are any roster changes, please let us know as soon as possible so the new session can be set up without any issues.
Scotch Doubles Session A has concluded, with Session B starting up Monday, April 22nd! We already have 1 team going to Puerto Rico in November! Talk to the League Op to get signed on today!
Congrats to the last 10 ball B&R winner: Drew M! He made 3 balls off the break and decided to take home his winnings, totaling $2,739.00! Nice break!

Best of luck to the next drawn contestant!
All available scoresheet have been updated!The 10 ball B&R is currently at $869 per ball, making Sloppy Seconds $434.00 per ball. Good luck to the next drawn contestant!
For anyone interested in playing a Scotch Doubles format, the H-Town Central Carribbean Division is beginning a new session Monday 04/22 at Slicks Fountainview. Winner gets free trip to Puerto Rico to play in the Carribbean Nationals and all others get a chance to play in a FREE cash payout tournament at the end of the session. Play time is on average from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM (1 hr 30 min). Contact the league op for more details!
Congratulations to the following patch winners:8 WZ: Geury M, Saxon Y, Doug G
8 BR: Andrew Mar
8 TR: Jason H
9 SNAP: Jason O, Rob S
9 BR: Matt B
We have SIX weeks left of the Spring Session! Team Captains – there are 3 chances to qualify your team members for the yearly Vegas Qualifying Tournament (this year taking place Dec 2024), the Spring Session being 1 of the 3. Qualifying member means 8 weeks played. There are still Summer & Fall sessions to qualify your team members. If there are any questions, please let us know!
Please welcome the newest league members: Jason O & Max O! We’re glad to have you join us! Also, congratulate the following patch winners: Jason H (8 WZ) and Andrew Mur. (8 BR)!We had our biggest payout yet in the 10 ball B&R! Edgar Mart. was able to make 1 ball off the break, then pocket 2 balls before calling it quits. The total take home amount was a whopping $3,102.00! Can you believe it was off the 1 FREE Captain’s ticket?! Big congrats!
The current 10 ball B&R is at $815.00 per ball, making Sloppy Seconds $407.00 per ball. Good luck to the next drawn contestant!
All available scoresheets have been updated. Please congratulate the following patch winners:8 WZ: Chris T, Rob S, Agustin T, Rebecca B, Conner C
9 SNAP: Andrea H, Fenil G
9 TR: Thomas G
9 BR: Jason H
H-Town Central had a great showing this year in the 2024 USAPL National Championships in Las Vegas. We would also like to congratulate all the participants:
8 Ball Team: Shot for Shot – 78th out of 142
8 Ball Team: Cue Tang Clan – 137th out of 142
9 Ball Team: Shot for Shot – 5th out of 45 ($$)
9 Ball Team: Pocket Shots – 33rd out of 45
10 Ball Team: 2 Legit 2 Quit – 20th out of 46
10 Ball Team: No English – 27th out of 46
8 Ball Singles: Genaro M – 5th out of 116 ($$)
8 Ball Singles: Shane P – 33rd out of 116
8 Ball Singles: Sam W – 97th out of 116
9 Ball Singles: Genaro M – 5th out of 57 ($$)
9 Ball Singles: Shane P – 9th out of 57 ($$)
10 Ball Singles: Genaro M – 33rd out of 62
Jr 8 Ball Singles: Shane P – 1st out of 43 (Undefeated)
Jr 9 Ball Singles: Shane P – 33rd out of 36
Everyone did fantastic and represented Houston very well. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication!
CSI has brought back the TEXAS STATE CHAMPIONSHIP in Temple TX, starting in 2025. We will be hosting tournaments periodically to send players in varying formats to represent Houston there as well. We will keep you posted!
The 10 ball B&R is currently at $1,034.00 per ball, making Sloppy Seconds $517.00 per ball. Best of luck to the next drawn contestant!
All available scoresheets have been updated. Please congratulate the following patch winners:8 BR: Edgar Madr, Alan A
8 TR: Alan A
8 WZ: Robert B, KC
9 BR: Shane P
9 SNAP: Alex C, Matt B, George J, Fenil G, Robert B, Donald W, Zaid B, Blake C
Tomorrow, league will continue as normal. However, reminder that the following Tuesday 02/27/24 will be an off week. All teams will have that date off to prevent any further rescheduling for teams who are in Vegas for Nationals. League will then resume the following Tues 03/05/24.
The 10 ball B&R will NOT take place in the next couple of weeks. It will resume Tues 03/05/24.
We will have 3 teams from Slicks representing us this year: Shot for Shot (8 & 9 ball), Pocket Shots (9 ball), and Cue Tang Clan (8 ball). We wish them all the best of luck in the coming weeks. Make Houston proud!
We have updated the scores that are available to us. There are a few not submitted and we will update them once received. Congrats to the following patch winners: Doug G (8 TR), Ricardo D (8 WZ), and Fenil G (9 BR)!We will be reinstating bonus points starting next week Tue (02/06/24). 50 points for matching scoresheets to opponent’s and 50 points for payment received at the end of league night. This comes out to 100 possible bonus points per format. They do add up at the end of the session! It will be even more crucial as bonus points WILL count towards WILD CARD determination (details to be announced this coming Tuesday)!
This past Tuesday was the first week of running 2 locations on the same night. All in all, things ran pretty smoothly and we thank everyone for being understanding and working with us through this transition. As the schedule progresses, you can expect that at least one of us will be at each location, ending the evening with both of us at the same location to close out the night. The 10 ball B&R will extend to both locations to keep things fair to all players. Tickets will be sold in one location and drawn at the other location. Videos will still be taken and the drawn ticket(s) will be announced so both locations can be made aware simultaneously.
This past Tuesday’s lucky winner was MJ, who pocketed one ball off the break during the Sloppy Seconds drawing, taking home $501.00 for his effort. Congratulations!

This brings the 10 ball B&R to $998.00 per ball, making Sloppy Seconds $499.00 apiece. Good luck to the next drawn contestant!
We have lots to cover today! All the scores have been updated. Congrats to the following patch winners: Justin J (8 WZ), Alan A (8 WZ), Shane P (8 WZ), Kelly R (9 SNAP), and KC (9 SNAP)! Please also welcome our newest 11 members: Terry R, Patrick H, Mike H, David T, Albert R, Amy N, Andrew Mar., Rebecca B, Miko, B, Zaid B, and Ximena D! We’re so glad to have all of you join us!With the addition of the 12th team, Tuesday’s league has been voted by the majority to be a traveling league between Slicks Montrose & Slicks Fountain View. The updates will reflect this immediately, starting next Tue 01/30. You will be able to see what location you’ll be playing out of on the USAPL scoring app:

You can also see it on the table assignments as well, with Fountain View indicated in RED:

We know it is a big change and will take some adjusting, so if you have any questions or concerns, please let us know so we can do our best to help alleviate any issues.
Let’s congratulate EDGAR MART. on winning the free dues tournament for Spring Session! He came in 1st place out of 17 players, double dipping the hot seat player and came out victorious. Congrats!

The 10 ball B&R winner of the evening was PHILLIP C, who pocketed 1 ball off the break and called it quits, taking home $1,042.00 for his effort.

This brings the current 10 ball B&R to $1,002.00 per ball, making Sloppy Seconds $501.00 apiece. Good luck to the next drawn contestant!
Congrats to the following patch winners: Brett S (8 WZ), Will S (9 SNAP), and Adam S (9 SNAP)! Please also welcome our newest league members: Mariah R, Myda V, Chris T, Dante H, Clayton T, and Kenny B!Next BYE team: The Misfits
A reminder of upcoming events:
– SAT 01/13/24: 9 Ball and 10 Ball Teams VQT @ Biggles starting 11 AM
– SAT 01/20/24: USAPL Open 8 Ball @ Slicks Montrose starting at NOON. Free to all USAPL members. Double elimination 8 ball, USAPL scoring. Winner plays Spring Session for free!
The 10 ball B&R is currently at $1,042.00 per ball! This makes Sloppy Seconds $521.00 per ball. Best of luck to the next drawn contestant!
The 8 ball VQT has concluded and winner determined. Please congratulate team SHOT FOR SHOT out of Slicks Montrose in winning the paid Vegas trip in February! They climbed through the one-loss side to meet the hot seat team POCKET SHOTS and double dipped them to cinch the win. Represent Houston well in Vegas, and best of luck in Nationals!
We would like to thank every team who participated and congratulate everyone on the weekend long grind. A lot of pool was played and everyone did their best to get as far as they could. We hope we made it as enjoyable as possible. If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know how to best optimize the next tournament(s). Next on the list: 9 ball & 10 ball team VQTs @ Biggles! Good luck to all the teams next weekend!
Scores have been updated. Congrats to the following patch winners: Genaro (8 TR & 8 BR), KC (8 TR), Justin J (8 BR), Donald W (8 WZ), Ronald R (9 SNAP), Nicole J (9 BR), Sebastian G (9 BR), Brett S (9 BR), Jason B (9 SNAP)! We would also like to welcome the newest league members: Andrew M, Katie D, and Dillon L. Glad to have you join us!The 8 ball Teams VQT Bracket has been set. CLICK HERE to view the live bracket as the tournament progresses. Tournament will begin at 10 AM at Slicks Montrose and proceed at the pre-determined time slots. Lunch will be served at noon on Sat. Everyone is welcome to come by and cheer on those who are participating in the VQT. We encourage all to support the Houston division! Best of luck to those who are playing this weekend!
The 10 ball B&R was at $997.00 per ball. However, we have decided to donate to the pot in order to make each ball currently $1,000.00 apiece – the highest amount it has ever been! This makes Sloppy Seconds at $500.00 per ball. Best of luck to the next drawn contestant!
Hello 2024! We hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing holiday break.Tonight is the first night of 2024 Spring Session! As excited as we are to see members return, we are even more excited to announce the addition of a new ELEVENTH team! This means we are 1 team away from maxing out the Slicks Montrose location! This growth is fantastic and we are thrilled to see this location grow with the new year. With an 11th team, this brings back the BYE week. For this first week, the new team will be on BYE as they acclimate to the Tuesday crowd. We will announce the new team members on next week’s update.
As with the start of every session, there will be NO 10 Ball B&R tonight. It will resume the following week 01/09.
Next Week is the VQT! For teams participating:
– SAT 01/06/24 & SUN 01/07/24: 8 Ball Teams VQT @ Montrose starting 10 AM (will be catered on Sat)

– SAT 01/13/24: 9 Ball and 10 Ball Teams VQT @ Biggles starting 11 AM