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Congratulations to the 8 ball team heading to Vegas for USAPL Nationals in March: NIGHT MOVES! They came back from the lower bracket and made it all the way! Way to go!! Next Saturday 01/15 will be the 9 ball VQT. Doors open at 11, tournament starts at noon. It Continue Reading

Categories 21SU


Happy Monday everyone! Updates are completed. Congrats to Calvin T for winning the 8 WZ patch! The moment you’ve all been waiting for … the winners for 2021 Summer Session! Congrats to: Lady & Champs for 8 ball, and Shot for Shot for 9 ball! The final standings are as Continue Reading

Categories 21SU


Week 4 updates are now complete. Please welcome our newest members: Bert S and Alex M! Let’s also welcome back Lisa R. It’s always good to see new and returning faces! We finished up our Vegas Qualifier Tournament this past weekend with 9 Ball. Congratulations to the winning team heading Continue Reading