Happy Wednesday everyone! We had a few additions last night. Let’s all welcome the newest members to H-Town Central USAPL: Lauren C, Nicholas M, Sara F, and Alexis R! We’re glad to have you all on board!
Scores have been updated! Remember to switch between 8 ball and 9 ball to view respective stats as they WILL be different. Team Captains can easily see at a glance how many times a player has played in each discipline. If you have questions/issues with viewing, please let us know.
Congrats to SARA F for winning 8 WZ patch last night!
Table assignments for next week (HOME vs AWAY):
Chalk is Cheap vs Tuff Break – 21 / 22
Lady & Champs vs Night Moves – 18 / 19
Shot for Shot vs Break & Juan – 16 / 17
Reminder that Lady’s Night is tonight at Slicks on Montrose! Ladies play for free and drink specials for tournament players. Tournament starts at 8 PM. Bar puts in extra $100 with 16+ players, so spread the word! Tournament is open to all ladies!
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