Summer session is officially completed! Since there was no playoff, the first and second place teams automatically qualify for the Vegas Qualifier Tournament (VQT), unless previously qualified in prior session. Congratulations to the following teams:8 BALL: No English (auto qualify 1st place) and The Misfits (auto qualify 3rd place)
10 BALL: The Misfits (auto qualify 1st place) and 2 Legit 2 Quit (auto qualify 3rd place
The VQT will take place in January, dates to be determined. The winning 8 & 10 teams of the VQT will represent BIGgles in Vegas in February. Reminder – Vegas Nationals eligibility requirement is 8 matches in one session in the format you qualify in. There are 15 weeks per session, so make sure to get your matches in!
Fall session starts Thursday 09/01. Please let us know of any roster changes so we can get them entered prior to league play. This is also the last session to get eligibility in and to qualify for Vegas in February.
Thank you to all the members on Thursday! We appreciate your continued support and hope it continues in future sessions. Bring your friends and let’s grow this league together. The more the merrier! We look forward to seeing you again starting September!
Updates have been completed! We would like to welcome the newest team to the USAPL Biggles location: DOUBLE DOWN! We are excited to have you join us and look forward to some new competition!We currently now have 6 teams total, meaning no bye weeks remain for the session going forward. Matchups have been updated on the website.
If there are any questions, please let us know! We will be glad to answer them for you.
Updates have been completed! All the information for the division is accessible on one single page. You can access it by going to Divisions -> BIGgles -> Summer 2022. There are links at the top of the page where you can click on in order to jump to that section of the page. If you need any assistance in viewing the information, please let us know and we’ll gladly walk through the website with you.Unfortunately, we lost a team last week, bringing our count of 6 teams to 5. This means there will be a team with a bye on a weekly basis. Tomorrow, team Old Fogies will have a bye week. Schedule will remain the same, but the matchups have been updated on the website.
For the teams without a bye, see you tomorrow! And May the Fourth be with you! 🙂
Congratulations! We have started the summer session and week 1 is in the books! Yesterday was a bit chaotic and we do apologize for the late start, but it seems most people enjoyed themselves. Once we get into a rhythm, things will go a lot smoother.Updates will be sent weekly via text, so if any team members are not receiving messages, please let us know; we might have the wrong info. Division Standings are determined by points/set with the tiebreaker being Wins/Losses, then Total Points. Any league information will be updated on the website and can be accessed at any time. Take some time to navigate when you have the chance.
If you have not done so yet, please download FargoRate & USAPL apps in order to score your matches going forward. Please refer to Scoring App How-To if you need further assistance in claiming your Fargo Number and tying it to your USAPL app.
We are excited to be part of the Biggles community, being part of the league (not just running it), and look forward to growing the league with everyone. Thanks to Jay for providing the space and free weekly pizzas for the teams. And thanks to all players for the support. If at any time you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Send us a text at 832-303-8212 or give us a call. See everyone next week!