2023 Fall Updates


The final results for the Fall session are in! Please congratulate team The Chevy’s in securing the top spot for 8 ball, and No English for 10 ball in the Fall Session!

The session’s 1st place team auto qualifies for the VQT, unless the teams have already previously qualified in a previous session. In that case, the spot moves to the next placed team. For the Fall Session, please congrat the following teams that secured a spot in the VQT in January:
– 8 BALL: The Chevy’s
– 10 BALL: Da Dirty Dozen

Reminder of upcoming dates:
– SAT 01/06/24 & SUN 01/07/24: 8 Ball Teams VQT @ Montrose starting 10 AM (will be catered on Sat)
– SAT 01/13/24: 9 Ball and 10 Ball Teams VQT @ Biggles starting 11 AM

The time slots for Saturday & Sunday 8 ball VQT is listed below:

SPRING session picks back up JANUARY 4th, 2024. We hope to see everyone in the new year! Until then, have a wonderful holiday season! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!


All scores have been updated! Next bye team is No English.

Next week is the final week of the Fall Session! Winners and Vegas qualified teams will be announced after all scores have been entered. Spring 2024 session picks back up Thursday 01/04/24. Please let us know if you have any roster changes so that we may put them in place before the session begins.

Please take note of the following important dates:
– SAT 12/16/23: Singles VQT @ Montrose starting at noon
– SAT 01/06/24 & SUN 01/07/24: 8 Ball Teams VQT @ Montrose starting 10 AM (will be catered on Sat)
– SAT 01/13/24: 9 Ball and 10 Ball Teams VQT @ Biggles starting 11 AM

The 10 ball B&R is currently at $155.00 per ball. Good luck to the next contestant!


All scores have been updated! Next bye team is The Chevy’s.

There are THREE more weeks left of the Fall Session! Please make sure you have your required matches if you are planning on participating in the Vegas Qualifying Tournament in January. The magic number is 8 for each format.

We have dates set for upcoming tournaments. Please mark them on your calendars! We will provide more details in the coming weeks.

– SAT 12/09/23: Toys for Tots open 10 ball charity tournament @ Biggles starting noon
– SAT 12/16/23: Singles VQT @ Montrose starting 11 AM
– SAT 01/06/24 & SUN 01/07/24: 8 Ball Teams VQT @ Montrose starting 10 AM (will be catered on Sat)
– SAT 01/13/24: 9 Ball and 10 Ball Teams VQT @ Biggles starting 11 AM

The 10 ball B&R is currently at $138.00 per ball. Good luck to the next contestant!


All scores have been updated! Congrats to the break pot winner Steven K! He sank one ball on the break and decided to take the winnings of $136.00. Break pot is now at $138.00 per ball. Good luck to the next drawn participant!

Reminder! Tomorrow is our Open 8 ball Scotch Doubles Tournament, taking place at Slicks Fountainview starting at 11 AM. Entry fee (collected on site) is $50.00 per team with each player bringing a new & unopened toy – or $60.00 per team without toys. Entry fees will 100% be put back into the pot to pay out the top 3 teams. No cap, race to 3 on winner side, race to 2 on lower bracket. All cash donations will be spent on toys as well, if anyone wishes to contribute outside the tournament.

Next week, there will be no league in observance of Thanksgiving. We hope everyone has a wonderful, happy, and abundant Thanksgiving!

Next bye team on 11/30: Da Dirty Dozen


We would like to thank everyone for being patient and understanding with the updates when we were away on pool business. Everything has been updated!

We are nearing the end of the Fall session. Please make sure you have all the matches you’ll need in order to qualify for any higher level tournaments as this will be the last chance to do so for Vegas 2024! Per Vegas National rules, 8 is the magic number. That means 8 in each format (8 in 8 ball and 8 in 10 ball) in any one session (Spring, Summer, or Fall). Otherwise, you can only qualify in whatever format you reached 8 matches in. Please see us if you have any questions.

We have a few tournaments coming up! Tomorrow Sat 11/11 at Slicks Fountainview, we have the final singles board for 2023. Entry is $20.00 paid on site. It will be 10 ball, double elimination, USAPL race, paper scoring. Doors open at 10 AM, tournament starts at 11 AM. The top TWO (2) will qualify for the Singles VQT. If 16+ players show up, we will qualify THREE (3)!

Singles VQT will take place 12/9 with an 1 out of 8 odds of winning the trip to Vegas in 2024. Winner will get to choose the format they wish to compete in Vegas.

It’s that time again – to host our holiday tournaments! Toys for Tots will be our charity again for this year. This will be an OPEN 8 ball SCOTCH DOUBLES tournament, taking place Sat Nov 18 at Slicks Fountainview. Entry fee (collected on site) is $50.00 per team with each player bringing a new & unopened toy – or $60.00 per team without toys (and we’ll take the $10 to buy toys for those too lazy to pick one up lol). Entry fees will 100% be put back into the pot to pay out the top 3 teams. No cap, race to 3 on winner side, and race to 2 on lower bracket. All cash donations will be spent on toys as well should anyone wish to contribute outside the tournament.

– Sat 11/11 – Singles 10 ball – $20.00
– Sat 11/18 – Open 8 ball Scotch Doubles – $50.00 + 2 new toys OR $60.00 + 0 toys

The 10 ball B&R is currently at $136.00 per ball. Good luck to the next contestant!


Scoresheets have been updated.

As a recap of the meeting we had last week, we did lose one team as they decided to drop out mid session. This creates a bye for the schedule going forward. We will provide the team that’s on bye in the text updates every week. This week’s bye team on 10/26 is FIDK. Please let us know if you have any questions.

The 10 ball break & run pot is currently at $1,140.00 – making each ball worth $114.00 apiece. Good luck to the next drawn contestant!


All submitted scoresheets have been updated, with 1 reschedule still needing to be completed. Congrats to the following patch winners: Pascale L (8 WZ), Steven K (8 BR), Jason L (8 WZ), and Quyen T (10 BR)!

We gave an update about the change in number for text message updates. However, it appears we have the same number again as before. To be on the safe side, make sure both numbers are saved in order to receive text message updates: 888-291-8263 and 832-400-3033. Both of these numbers are for league text message updates ONLY – not for conversations/questions.

The 10 ball break & run pot is currently at $1,080.00 – making each ball worth $108.00 apiece. Good luck to the next drawn contestant!


All submitted scoresheets have been updated! There is 1 reschedule to be done so aside from that, everything is as updated as possible. We thank you for being so very patient and understanding with us with the delay due to our international travel!

Due to the Packer’s game scheduled for Thursday 09/28, there will be NO LEAGUE PLAY that night. As Biggles is a Packer’s bar, the place gets full and there will be a lot of commotion and space constraints. It was difficult last year, so we have decided to cancel league play this year to prevent any issues. League resumes the following week 10/04. Team Captains – Please make sure your whole team is aware in the event they do not receive text message updates (either opted out or not signed up)! This is a good chance to make sure everyone is receiving text message updates. Please text BILLIARDS to 888-291-8263 in order to sign up/opt back in.

Please reach out to us if you have any further questions! See you all in 2 weeks!


We found out this past weekend that our text message notifications were not being sent out or received. It was the text service provider, and we are still fixing the issue. Once resolved, you should be receiving regular updates going forward. We apologize for the delay in updates while we were dealing with resolving this issue through the Labor Day holiday.

All scores have been updated! We had a great first week of league last Thursday. Let’s keep the fun going!

At the beginning of every single session, we run a FREE 8 ball tournament open to all USAPL members where the winner gets to play for free for that session. The Fall Session Open took place this past Saturday and we had 15 members show up to attempt to win free dues. A big congratulations to SHANE P for taking the win on a double dip! Great job! Shane gets to play for free in all USAPL formats in Fall 2023.

The 10 ball B&R will resume this coming Thursday. It is currently at $95.00 per ball. Best of luck to the next drawn contestant!