Categories Updates


Hello everyone! This coming week will be the 4th week of the Spring Session, which means bonus points and assigned tables will now begin to take effect. Bonus points are given out to the team as a whole for a max of 100 possible points: 50 for team league dues Continue Reading

Categories 21FA


Updates have been completed. Congrats to Calvin T for the 8 B&R patch! Another friendly reminder: Please remember to submit scoresheets (after checking with opponents to ensure they match) as well as submit league dues by the end of league night in order to get the full 100 bonus points Continue Reading

Categories 21SU


Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone! This new session is off to a great start! Let’s welcome some new members and some returning ones! Glad you are joining us this session: Alan H, Mike C, James R, Angela S, Will B, Richard G, Nick K, Alice K, and Joshua R! With Continue Reading

Categories 21SP


Happy Friday everyone! Let’s give a warm welcome to our newest member: Isaac S! We’re glad you’re joining us this session. Another week of late update, this time due to missing scores and waiting for all the info to be submitted prior to updating stats for everyone. This is one Continue Reading

Categories 21SP


Scores have been entered! Apologies for the delay, but we were waiting for a league system update to take place last night. Let’s welcome our newest member Dustin and welcome back to Ponce! Glad to have you two join us this session! As a reminder, bonus points and assigned tables Continue Reading

Categories 21SP


Welcome to the new session in 2021! We are glad to see members return and would like to welcome our two newest players: Joe B and Brett S. Here’s to a good 2021 season and to seeing this league grow. With the start of the new Spring session, please keep Continue Reading

Categories Updates


All the updates have been completed. Make sure you refresh your browsers if you don’t see the updates right away. This is our first week awarding bonus points (50 for matching scoresheets + 50 for completed league dues). If you look at the match logs once logged in, you will Continue Reading

Categories Updates


Happy Wednesday everyone! Week 2 is now in the books! We had a few new members join us last night and we had room to place everyone onto a team. We are almost at max capacity at 9 teams, which is fantastic! Thanks to everyone for all your support! There Continue Reading

Categories 20SP


We want to welcome everyone to the Spring 2020 Session of Houston USAPL! What a turnout last night for the start of our first full session! Thanks to those who returned from last session, and hello to the newcomers. It was good to see some familiar faces, but even better Continue Reading

Categories FA19


Last night was the end of Fall 2019 session! We want to thank each and every single one of the Tuesday league members for joining us on this new journey and having faith in us to be a part of of something brand new that no one has done before. Continue Reading