Categories 21SP


Welcome to the new session in 2021! We are glad to see members return and would like to welcome our two newest players: Joe B and Brett S. Here’s to a good 2021 season and to seeing this league grow. With the start of the new Spring session, please keep Continue Reading

Categories Updates

Restarting League – Poll

It has been 6 months since we last had league. At this time, we want to see how viable it is for league to start back up. We have been in contact with Slicks Montrose management to determine the setting in which we will have for League play. It is Continue Reading

Categories 20SP


ATTN: All H-Town Central League Members To ensure the safety of all our members and their family, all league play has been suspended for a minimum of two weeks starting 03/17/20. Plans for how the session will continue will be discussed once the suspension has been lifted. We will keep Continue Reading