With the start of the new Spring session, please keep in mind requirements for qualifications. You can review eligibility requirements HERE.
To touch on a few topics discussed last night:
- As COVID is still an ongoing concern, we are sticking with the same requests made in the Fall session. Unless actively drinking or eating, please have your mask on at all times. Wash hands and sanitize regularly, and if you are feeling unwell in the slightest, please stay home! League is a team sport, and we are thankful for the opportunity to continue having the chance to run a league. This means we need everyone to be socially responsible to ensure the safety of yourself and of others around you.
- Wednesday Ladies Tournament will begin 01/27/21 and take place weekly at 8:00 PM. We hope to increase female participation and possibly bring on Ladies League to H-Town Central. Spread the word and show your support!
- Due to the short sessions we have had, we have been unable to fund a full team of 8 and 9 to Vegas for 2021 Nationals. We only had 19 weeks of play total between 3 sessions when a full year of 3 sessions generally consists of 45 weeks. As much as we would like to send teams in September, mathematically we are unable to do so. Rest assure, we are looking at other possible options to represent Houston in 2021. As soon as we have viable options, they will be shared with the league. We are open to any suggestions any members may have so feel free to speak with us at any time to discuss ideas. In the meantime, our goal is to send a full team of 8 and full team of 9 to Vegas for 2022 Nationals happening in March.
- Bonus points and assigned tables will begin WEEK 3. 100 points for matching scoresheets and 100 points for payments received by end of league night.