Good evening everyone. The final update for Fall 2020 Session has been completed. Please take a look at the final standings.
Congratulations to 8 Ball Winner Night Moves and 9 Ball Winner Chalk is Cheap. Night Moves will automatically be entered into the Vegas Qualifier Tournament for 8 Ball. Chalk is Cheap has previously qualified as well as the 2nd & 3rd place teams. Therefore, the 4th place team Tuff Break will be entered into the Vegas Qualifier Tournament in 9 Ball. Congratulations to all the teams!
Also, congrats to the following players for winning patches: Jong Y for 8 Ball WinZip patch and Andrea H for 9 Snap. Patches earned this Fall session will be handed out the first week of Spring session.
Spring 2021 session will begin the second Tuesday in January (01/12/21). Please submit any roster change requests prior to the start of league so we can expedite the first night of Spring session a little quicker. We hope to see everyone returning next session and maybe even some new faces as well. If you know anyone who might be interested in league play, bring them onboard!
We are currently working on some avenues to bring in new faces and spread the word about USAPL. In an effort to build a Ladies 8 Ball League, we will begin hosting Open Ladies 8 ball tournaments every Wednesday on Ladies Night at Slicks Montrose. The tournament will be open to ALL female players. More information to follow. If interested, please let us know and help spread the word!
Until the next session begins, we hope you take the time to relax and enjoy the holidays. Whatever you choose to celebrate … Merry Christmahanzakwanzaka! 🙂
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