Current standings and scoresheets have all been combined to one screen. Header options are available to click through to view more specific stats for each category. Please see below:

This allows everyone to see all information that is available, including how many weeks people have played to keep up with meeting qualifications. Be sure to switch between formats to view between 8 ball and 9 ball stats, as they will be different!
If you have any questions on how to navigate through this, please let us know!
Congrats to Adam S for winning an 8 ball WinZip patch!
Next Tuesday will be the last week of this Fall Session. As a reminder, there will be no playoffs. Whichever team places first will automatically be entered for the Vegas Qualifier Tournament. Spring of 2021 session is currently being organized, so keep your eyes open for the start date. As soon as it’s set, we will send out an update.
Houston USAPL is hosting an open 8 Ball tournament this coming Saturday, 12/12/20 at Slicks on Montrose, benefitting Toys for Tots. Entry fee is $20.00 and a new, unopened toy. Doors open at 11 AM, matches to start at noon. This is a “race to” tournament, BCA format, no handicap. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place payouts. Half of the proceeds will go to payout, the other half to Toys for Tots. Come out and support a good cause. We hope to see you there!