Categories 21FA


Results are in for the final two spots of the VQT. Congrats to Tuff Break in 8 Ball and Night Moves in 9 Ball!

Here are the teams playing for the 2022 spots for Vegas:
8 BALL (VQT on 01/08/22) & 9 BALL (VQT on 01/15/22)
  • Lady & Champs
  • Shot for Shot
  • Pocket Shots
  • Chalk is Cheap
  • Night Moves
  • Tuff Break
The Spring session will begin on Tuesday 01/04/22. If you have any team updates, please let us know as soon as possible so we can create the schedule and the roster for next session before it begins.

With the new year, we have a couple incentives provided to each team captain. We are always looking for individuals to step up as team captains, and for those who have held this role, we want to thank each and every one of you for all that you do for the teams you captain. We hope this shows our appreciation.

Every week, each team captain will receive a complimentary raffle ticket towards the 10 ball break & run pot (current pot at $2,130.00, each ball worth $213.00). In addition, we will also be hosting a captain/co-captain tournament during the session where the winner of the tournament will receive free dues for a full session. More details to come in later updates.

We hope to see everyone return next session. Until then, enjoy your holidays! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Prev 12/15/21
Next 01/09/22