Categories 21SP


Happy Wednesday everyone! Scores have been updated and congrats to the following patch winner: Jason K (8 WZ). We would also like to welcome our final two newest members to the league: Geury M and Kelsey J! With these two joining USAPL, our Spring session roster is 100% full! We Continue Reading

Categories 20FA


Welcome back to Teams League play, folks! It was great to see everyone last night. We want to thank you for being a part of our 2020 Fall session and for being patient last night as we kicked off our first week back. Those we talked to expressed their excitement Continue Reading

Categories Updates

Restarting League – Poll

It has been 6 months since we last had league. At this time, we want to see how viable it is for league to start back up. We have been in contact with Slicks Montrose management to determine the setting in which we will have for League play. It is Continue Reading