Categories 21SP


Happy Wednesday everyone! Scores have been updated and congrats to the following patch winner: Jason K (8 WZ). We would also like to welcome our final two newest members to the league: Geury M and Kelsey J! With these two joining USAPL, our Spring session roster is 100% full!

We have hit the halfway mark of Spring session, so team captains – please keep an eye out on how many matches your teammates have played and how many they will need to qualify for higher level tournaments. This year, members need to have at least 4 matches in the discipline(s) they wish to qualify in.

Next week Tuesday 3/9, we would like to have a league meeting with everyone at 7:15 PM regarding representing Houston in USAPL Nationals in Las Vegas this September. Please come a little bit earlier so we can discuss the matter with all members. We will be putting some questions up to vote and would like everyone’s opinions and comments to be heard.

We are trying out some new methods of sending texts out to all league members to inform of when updates are completed. There have been mention of many members not receiving texts with the previous setup. Please bear with us as we try to see what works best.

Now that more tables have been refelted, we can resume more of a social distancing regimen. While Houston will have mask mandate lifted next Wednesday, we kindly ask that players continue with the same level of care we have been practicing during league by continuing to wear masks. This keeps everyone safer, especially in a larger crowd in an indoor setting.

Table assignments for next week are (Home vs Away):
     Break & Juan vs Tuff Break – 20 / 21
     Night Moves vs Chalk is Cheap – 18 / 19
     Shot for Shot vs Lady & Champs – 15 / 16
Prev 02/26/21
Next 03/11/21