Categories 21SP


All right everyone, the update you’ve all been waiting for! Scores have been entered and standings are set for Spring 2021. Congrats to Lady & the Champs for winning both 8 and 9 Ball! They will automatically be entered into the Vegas Qualifier Tournament for 2022.

Next Tuesday 04/27 will be the playoff week. 2nd & 3rd place teams will be playing for the second spot in the 2022 VQT. Teams placed 4th and under will have a week off. For 8 Ball – playoff will be Break & Juan vs Shot for Shot. For 9 Ball – playoff will be Chalk is Cheap vs Shot for Shot. Congrats to those teams for making into the playoffs, and best of luck to them next Tuesday!

Congrats to the lone patch winner yesterday: Nick M for 8 TR! Patches will be handed out next week for those who are in attendance. Otherwise, they will be handed out the first week of Summer Session on 05/04.

Recap of the information provided in the League Meeting yesterday:
  • Sat 05/08 – 8 Ball Scotch Doubles Tournament
  • Sat 05/15 – 8 Ball VQT
  • Sat 05/22 – 9 Ball VQT
  • 2 original members based on Spring 2020 roster
  • 2 original members MUST play in VQT
  • Members playing in VQT must have played at least 4 matches between 2020 and 2021
  • Looking for new teams to form! We have maxed out available spots for 6 teams. With new members looking to join, we need more teams to form to create space and have room to grow.

We want to thank everyone for joining us this Spring session. We appreciate all your support and are excited to finally get a full session completed and under our belt! We look forward to seeing all of you and some new faces in the next session to come!
Prev 04/18/21
Next 05/05/21