Categories 20SP


Spring 2020 Playoffs happened more than a week ago on Tuesday 06/16/20. We want to thank everyone who came out to participate and those who showed their support during these crazy times. Apologies for the late update! We needed to get back into the groove of paperwork after being off Continue Reading

Categories Updates


Today is Playoff Day for Spring 2020! It will start at 7:30 PM tonight between Break & Juan and Lady & the Champs for 8 ball, and Chalk is Cheap and Cue Tang Clan for 9 ball. Our number one priority is still everyone’s health. We will be practicing social Continue Reading

Categories Updates


Happy Monday!! Just a quick update for everyone. Tuesday League play is still a no go at this time. HOWEVER! We are able to get Playoff matches schedule! Spring session playoff will take place TUESDAY 06/16/20 at 7:30 PM. 8 Ball: Break & Juan vs. Lady & the Champs 9 Continue Reading

Categories 20SP


We want to welcome everyone to the Spring 2020 Session of Houston USAPL! What a turnout last night for the start of our first full session! Thanks to those who returned from last session, and hello to the newcomers. It was good to see some familiar faces, but even better Continue Reading

Categories FA19


Last night was the end of Fall 2019 session! We want to thank each and every single one of the Tuesday league members for joining us on this new journey and having faith in us to be a part of of something brand new that no one has done before. Continue Reading

Categories FA19


Hello everyone! We have a TON to cover on this update, so please bear with us on the length. On a quick note, however, scores have been entered and standings are current. As you have noticed already, this week’s update has already been a little different. It has come to Continue Reading