Hope everyone is staying cool out there! Week 8 updates have been completed. Congrats to the following patch winners: Nancy P (8 WZ), Robert B (8 BR), and Alex M (9 BR).
For those who are heading to Vegas come September, we received some news. This whole time, we were under the impression that we’d be playing on 9′ Diamond tables. However, corporate office has confirmed the tournaments will be played on 7′ Diamond tables. Only the pros will be playing on 9′ tables. While unfortunate, we do have a remedy for this, which brings us to the next topic …
We now have yet another new host location! BIGGles on Wilcrest and Harwin will be the newest place to welcome USAPL! We are working with the location to try and get some teams going in the Fall session. Spread the word to anyone who might be interested to play in that area! BIGGles has all 7′ Diamond tables, which gives us the ability to host practice sessions in the future. We also have in the works an open 9 ball tournament being scheduled on SATURDAY, 07/17/21. Come out and support us and maybe win a few bucks while at it. 😉 More details on that to come!
Table assignments for Week 9 (HOME vs AWAY):
Shot for Shot vs Night Moves – 17 / 18
Tuff Break vs Chalk is Cheap – 21 / 22
Shot Callers vs Pocket Shots – 14 / 15
Lady & Champs – BYE WEEK
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