Categories 21FA


Updates have been completed! Congrats to Jason K for 9 B&R and Christian H for 8 B&R. Let’s also welcome two new members to the league: Darryl C and Jorge M. Also, welcome back to John C! Glad to have you all with us.

Starting next Tuesday, bonus points will now be added to the mix. Reminder of how bonus points are earned: 50 for matching scoresheets to opponent’s + 50 for league dues paid at end of the night.

Please keep an eye out on win types as well. If unsure, check with your opponent’s team and see if they have the same info as you to ensure players get the correct patch.

We had our first payout from the 10 Ball B&R pot. Congrats to Guery M for pocketing 2 balls off the break! At $79/ball, he took home $158. The pot is still growing, now at $89/ball. Best of luck to the next drawn winner!

Table assignments for 9/28 (HOME v AWAY):
   Lady & Champs v Chalk is Cheap – 14 / 15
   Shot Callers v Tuff Break – 21 / 22
   Night Moves v Pocket Shots – 17 / 18
   Shot for Shot – BYE WEEK
Prev 09/20/21
Next 09/30/21