2024 B Updates


Welcome to Session B of Carribbean Scotch Doubles! We would like to welcome our newest team: Hot Pockets! Glad to have you join us!

The team going to Puerto Rico from Session A is ROBNARO, congrats to them on accepting the invitation!

As requested from last week’s meeting, player contacts have been added. Those we don’t have numbers for, please provide us with those contact details. We have also updated how table assignments will look like going forward. If there are any questions, please let us know!

Another reminder, Monday night league has now shifted to a start time of 8:00 PM going forward. However, if you wish to start earlier, please make arrangements with your opponent in advance. Also, should you need to schedule any make-up matches, it does not have to be done on Monday night. Make-ups can take place on any day at any time at any location, as long as the opposing team is in agreeance. Please just let the league op know in case there are any questions or concerns.