- 8 Ball Only
- Two Rounds
- 1st Round: Single round robin between opposing players (everyone plays everyone one rack)st
- 2nd Round: Scotch Doubles match – 5 racks (rack your own/alternate break)
- BCA App scoring
- 2 sessions per year: Session A (October – April) and Session B (April- September)
- $25 yearly BCA membership due (paid once to any BCA operator). We check using the BCAPL Membership Lookup (CLICK HERE)
- $30 per team per week, digital pay
- Participating members must have at least 4 matches in one session in the current year to qualify for Puerto Rico
- BCAPL is only responsible for flight, hotel stay and registration for the event.
- League operator will coordinate travel plans with all teams involved in the trip.
- Teams qualified for the trip will be based on size of league and funds generated for the players.
- 1st place team will automatically qualify for nationals. Additional teams can qualify for the trip depending on funds generated. All other teams that are in good standings with the league with at least 12 matches played will be *eligible* for a cash tournament at the end of every session. Any team(s) going to Puerto Rico cannot play the cash tournament.
- Team(s) going to Puerto Rico must remain active in the following session to maintain eligibility.
- Combined team fargo rates cannot exceed 1100 (based on Puerto Rico tournament rules)
- If team exceeds 1100, replace a player to maintain <1100 standing OR 1 rack penalty for every 50 points over 1100.
- Free tournament for league members
- All teams in good standing with the league can participate in the cash tournament, with the exception of team(s) who won the Puerto Rico trip.
- Free tournament for league members
- Teams must have at least 12 matches played in the session. Participating players need to have at least 4 weeks of play in the session in order to qualify
- Will only be Scotch Doubles format. No Singles 8 ball.
- Races will be based on Fargo Rate R-4 Hot chart provided on the app (based on the average of both player’s fargo rates)
- Singles matches will have no time-outs or communication with your partner
- Scotch Doubles is open communication within a reasonable shot time (30-45 seconds per shot)
- Matches can be played in any order (does not have to follow app provided order). Unless agreed upon by both teams, single matches start first.
- Make-up matches must be made up within 2 weeks of original scheduled date.
- If unable to play on scheduled date – must notify at least one member of the opposing team AND league operator at least 2 hours prior to league play
- Any un-played matches at the end of the schedule will be considered an automatic forfeit on the last week.
- All matches must be paid with no exceptions. Unpaid matches will force an elimination from future league play or cash tournaments
- Game Start Times:
- Games will start promptly at 7:30 PM with at least one player present
- Grace period of 15 minutes allowed from start time
- 2 minutes allowed for put-ups per rack. If past 2 minutes, 1 rack will be forfeited to opposing team and will continue through until the end of the match or a player shows up. Forfeited games cannot be played after it has been scored a forfeit.
- Forfeits:
- League operator must be notified of all forfeit requests for approval
- In event of forfeit, team forcing the foreceit will be provided the average points played up to that week. The forfeited team will receive 0 points.
- Teams will still be provided bonus points where applicable.
- All forfeited matches must be paid in full to maintain good standings with the league.
- Late Addition Teams:
- Teams that join after a session begins will receive the average points based on their first 4 weeks played. (Example: Team A joins in week 3. Their points for weeks 1 & 2 will be the points average of weeks 3 – 6)
- Teams will not be added after 50% of the schedule has been played.