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Fall 2020 League Play

Thank you to everyone who participated in the League survey, as well as to those who showed up at the Players’ Meeting this past Saturday (10/03/20). From the votes and speaking with people (both in group settings and one on one), the majority vote was for league to start back up. While there were still a few concerns, the general consensus was to still do a double header night on Tuesday. The reason being is that the league as a whole will have less teams (and therefore less players) and can comfortably play at the 12 tables we have available for us on Tuesday night.

We will begin Fall 2020 League on TUESDAY, 11/10/2020 at 7:30 PM. This will be similar to Fall 2019 session – Short & Sweet. Taking into consideration weeks off for the holidays, we will have 5 weeks of league play with no playoffs at the end of the year. Whichever team places first will automatically qualify for the Vegas Qualifier Tournament (date TBD). Both 8 Ball and 9 Ball will be played the same night.

We pushed it out to start in November so that players can get together and form teams at this time. You have 5 weeks starting from today to get a team together or join a team that is returning. Once a team has been decided, please complete the Team Registration form as soon as possible (even if it’s with the same people returning from the same Spring team). If looking for a team, please reach out to us and we will find a spot for you.

We know this will be a short session and teams may not all stay the same from sessions prior. Keep in mind that this is to also help with maintaining eligibility for other CSI sponsored events and tournaments that any USAPL members can participate in, not simply the Vegas Nationals. We want to get the ball rolling with league again, even if it may start out a little slow. Every trip begins with a step, even if it’s a baby one. We hope to see your faces out there (behind a mask) come November 10th!

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Next 11/11/20