Categories 20SP


Happy Wednesday! All updates have been completed and match logs are available to be viewed. Last night, we were able to hand out T-Shirts to those who joined us in the Fall session. It was definitely nice to see the 2019 Founding Members shirts being worn during league night. Again, Continue Reading

Categories Updates


All the updates have been completed. Make sure you refresh your browsers if you don’t see the updates right away. This is our first week awarding bonus points (50 for matching scoresheets + 50 for completed league dues). If you look at the match logs once logged in, you will Continue Reading

Categories FA19


Scores from Week 3 have been entered and current team standings are now displayed. We have TWO more weeks left of this Fall Session! Remember, the first place team(s) of 8 Ball and 9 Ball at the end of the session will automatically be entered into the Vegas Qualifier – Continue Reading