Categories FA19


Scores from Week 3 have been entered and current team standings are now displayed. We have TWO more weeks left of this Fall Session! Remember, the first place team(s) of 8 Ball and 9 Ball at the end of the session will automatically be entered into the Vegas Qualifier – no playoffs needed! This is a one time only opportunity so grab the spot while you can!

There has also been a section added to the logged in portion of the website. Those who are logged in can now access all match logs from previous weeks. This is a good tool for captains to see who played in previous weeks, how many matches a member has played throughout the session, players’ trend in Fargo Rates, wins and losses, etc etc. The website will be changing and things will get added as this league grows, so keep your eyes open.  We want this website to be utilized as much as possible for updates and information, so please let us know what you would like to see and we will try to make it happen the best we can.

As discussed last night during league, we now have Digital Pay options. The same memo was included in the team packets yesterday, but we have also included it here for future references:

Some players have mentioned their inability to log into or create an account for the Fargo Rate website and/or app. We have a contact at FargoRate office who will assist with setting up accounts. Please send us an email and we will compile a list of everyone who is having this issue and send it all together at once.

We want to congratulate the following players on earning patches from Week 3:

JACOB – Winzip – 8 ball
PEARL – Winzip – 8 ball
P K – Winzip – 8 ball
PHILLIPE – Winzip – 9 ball
PHILLIPE – Break & Run – 9 ball
EDGAR – Winzip – 9 ball
DOUG – Winzip – 9 ball
DOUG – Break & Run – 9 ball
JASON – Winzip x 2- 9 ball
MATT – Winzip – 9 ball
PONCE – Winzip x 2 – 9 ball

See you next Tuesday!

Prev 11/20/19
Next 12/12/19