Categories 21FA


Updates have been completed. Congrats to the following patch winners: Calvin T & Nick M (8 TR), Andrea H & Anthony G (9 SNAP), and Darrel W (9 BR).

In the coming weeks, we will be working on a quick “How To” in order to help with navigation around frequently visited parts of the website (such as weekly rankings, accessing scoresheets, etc). If you have a specific request, please let us know – in the event we do not have it listed as a “FAQ”. We want to make it as easy as possible for everyone to see what they need and want, so please give us some feedback on any issues you run into.

We had the biggest payout from the 10 Ball B&R pot last night. Congrats to Chris L for pocketing 4 balls off the break! At $137/ball, he took home $548.00. The 10 ball break & run pot is now at $1,090.00, making each ball worth $109.00. Good luck to the next drawn contestant!

Table assignments for 10/26/21 (HOME v AWAY):
   Tuff Break vs Shot Callers – 15 / 16
   Shot for Shot vs Chalk is Cheap – 17 / 18
   Pocket Shots vs Lady & Champs – 21 / 22
   Night Moves – BYE WEEK
Prev 10/14/21
Next 11/01/21