Categories FA19


Good afternoon everyone!

Last night was the very first official USAPL league night for Houston. We hope everyone had a great time! Yes, there were a few learning curves along the way, but we certainly think it went pretty well!

At this time, we want to introduce the league website to everyone:

On the website, you will be able to click into “DIVISIONS”, then click into “SLICKS MONTROSE TUE” to access the current session schedule as well as current 8 & 9 ball team standings.  There is a date indicating when the information is last updated.  You will also see a “QUICK LINKS” section for you to access the USAPL Race-To Calculator easily.
This website is a work in progress and as the weeks go by, you will see updates and changes being added/moved around.  If there is something you would like to see posted on the website for all league members to see, please let us know! Keep in mind that this is a PUBLIC website and what information you want on there will be visible to all.

In the coming weeks, we are working on DIGITAL PAYMENT options.  By doing so, we hope to alleviate players who may not always carry cash on them. More instructions will be provided to everyone once that is available.  In the meantime, just a reminder that Team Captains are responsible for collecting the team’s fees/dues at the end of the night!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to us!
Thank you for your support, and we hope you have a wonderful rest of your week!

Next 11/20/19