Categories FA19


Hello everyone! We have a TON to cover on this update, so please bear with us on the length. On a quick note, however, scores have been entered and standings are current.

As you have noticed already, this week’s update has already been a little different. It has come to our attention that our emailed updates have not been reaching everyone for some reason (possible compatibility issue with GMail), or that people simply don’t check their emails all that often. We have decided to phase out the emailed updates and just send a simple text to everyone when updates are available on the website so you can view them when able. We utilize the GroupMe app, and an invitation should have been sent to every member of the league. If you wish to opt out of being included in the text messages, you have the option to do so. Keep in mind that as this will be a group text, we ask that you don’t spam or text everyone on the thread to keep mass texting down to a minimum/nil. If you wish to respond, please text us directly on a one-on-one basis. We, and those who have odd late night schedules, thank you.

Next Tuesday 12/17/19 will be the FINAL week of the Fall Session! The next update will determine which team(s) get automatically entered into the Vegas Qualifier Tournament. No playoffs are necessary (unless there is a tie, which we don’t think is likely). The Vegas Qualifier tournament is going to be held on a weekend around mid January 2021. Once a date is set, we will let everyone know. The winning team of 8 and 9 from this session will compete with winning teams from 2020 sessions and the winner overall will get a free trip to Las Vegas in March 2021 for USAPL Nationals.

Spring session will start Tuesday 01/14/20 at 7:30 PM. If you are keeping your current team and returning next session with no changes, you don’t have to do anything but show up. However, if there are roster changes, team name changes, captain changes, etc … please complete an online TEAM REGISTRATION FORM by 1/10/20 so that we can update everything and have all teams ready to play the first week of league. If you don’t have a team, please fill out a MEMBER REGISTRATION FORM and we will find a spot for you on a team that has an opening.

Spring rosters are important: They set the “original member” criterion. As long as 2 members from Spring session stay on the team throughout the year, the team would not lose any Vegas qualifications. Non-original members must play at least 8 weeks in any session within the year to be able to go with a team to the Vegas qualifier. It is the team captain’s responsibility to make sure his/her team meets the criterion.

USAPL Scoring App is coming next week! We did a beta test to try out the scoring app and have determined it would be very useful to utilize this tool sooner than later. Big thanks to our beta testers Edgar M, Kiem B, and Jacob B! We will put together a How-To for the scoring app in the coming days, so keep your eyes open. We hope everyone will be able to utilize the scoring app next Tuesday 12/17/19, but still maintain the paper scoresheet in case there are some hiccups along the way. Come Spring 2020, scoring app should be the only utilized tool so we can cut down on paperwork and all the maths. 😉

Patches – Apparently, we have been handing out patches wrong this session, but to the players’ benefits! We were literally raining patches lol! We are working on creating a section for available patches and how to earn them in the next coming weeks, but definitely before Spring 2020 starts. Those who have earned patches so far this session will still get them under the “wrong” rule we started out with, but just know that next session and sessions following, patches are not awarded based on every rack (more explanation to follow).

Speaking of patches, congrats to the following players who won patches from past Tuesday:
ADAM – Winzip – 8 ball
DOUG – Winzip – 8 ball
MATT G – Winzip – 8 ball
EDGAR – Winzip – 8 ball
ANDREW – Winzip – 8 ball
ROBERT – Win on Break – 9 ball
ROBERT – Winzip – 9 ball
MATT G – Win on Break – 9 ball
BRUNO – Winzip – 9 ball

We know this is a lot of information and material to take in, but if you’ve reach this point, thank you for sticking with us! More updates to come soon!
Prev 12/04/19
Next 12/18/19