2023 May thru Oct Updates


This past Saturday was the open cash tournament for the Scotch Doubles league, free to play for all teams in good standing and not Puerto Rico bound. As the 2 teams Puerto Rico bound are Bad Monkeys and Italian Stallions, we had 7 out of the remaining 10 teams attend. Congrats to the winning duo POOL BROTHERS, who beat out Robnaro in a double dip to land in 1st place. Great job to all the participants!

Enjoy the week off and get ready for a new session of Scotch Doubles come the following Monday 10/23! We have a new team coming on board, as well as a few team shuffles in the works. If you are in need of a partner, have an updated roster change, or know anyone interested in the Scotch Doubles league, please let us know! Otherwise, we will set the schedule & roster as it stands right now.

We hope to see everyone return next session!


The results are in! This session, we were able to collect enough funds in order to send TWO teams to Puerto Rico. We would like to formally invite BAD MONKEYS and POOL BROTHERS to join us in the Caribbean Championships this November. Please congratulate them for placing 1st and 2nd respectively. In the event either team declines the invitation, the spot moves on to the next placed team. We will notify teams if this occurs.

The scotch doubles league tournament will be taking place this Saturday 10/14 at Slicks Fountainview. Doors open at 10 AM, tournament starts at 11 AM. This is FREE and open to all teams who are NOT going to Puerto Rico and are in good standings (no dues owed). Races will be based on FargoRate R4 Hot Chart. You can access this on your Fargo app by clicking on Search -> Find Race -> Charts. Fargo rates are determined by the average Fargo rates of both players. Only players who have played at least 4 matches in the league are eligible to participate – does not necessarily have to be from the same team. Once the tournament begins, players cannot alter or change. Payouts for the cash tournament are as follows: $720.00 (1st), $336.00 (2nd), $144.00 (3rd).

The new session starts Oct 23rd and will run until Apr 8th. This is to qualify for Puerto Rico 2024. Moving forward, major holidays will be taken into consideration and will not be play weeks.

We would like to thank everyone for being part of our very first Scotch Doubles league session. We appreciate your understanding as we worked out details and delays this session. Hopefully, everyone enjoyed themselves and we hope to see you all next session!


We found out this past weekend that our text message notifications were not being sent out or received. It was the text service provider, and we are still fixing the issue. Once resolved, you should be receiving regular updates going forward. We apologize for the delay in updates while we were dealing with resolving this issue through the Labor Day holiday.

All scores have been updated! We have FIVE (5) more weeks left of this session!! If you have an alternate that you are considering going to Puerto Rico and/or participating in the cash tournament with, please make sure they get at least FOUR (4) matches in this session!

When submitting scores, please make sure to check the player names! We have had to change multiple scoresheets where the player names were not changed and the same player was shown playing all matches in the scotch doubles format. This CAN and WILL alter your scores due to handicap calculations! So please please please double check your player names prior to submitting your scoresheets.


Happy July to everyone!

We WILL have league scheduled for this coming Monday 07/03! Please let the league op & opponent know if you are unable to play and will need make-ups. Table assignments have been updated through the month of July.

Otherwise, have a wonderful and safe 4th of July!


All scores have been updated, including the 2 teams that joined late. They received the average points of their first 4 weeks of play for the first 3 weeks that they missed. At this time, the scores are as accurate as they can be, taking into account 2 make-up matches and 1 half make-up match still needing completion.

When scoring matches, if a Win Zip, Break & Run, or Table Run occurs, please mark it accordingly. This ensures players and/or teams receive patches as they occur.
  • WZ = Win Zip (holding opponent to 0 points)
  • BR = Break & Run (player or team breaks & runs out)
  • TR = Table Run (player or team breaks, but opposing player/team runs out)
We also currently have 1 team waiting to join, but we need one more pair in order to add both teams to the roster. If you know anyone interested, feel free to share our contacts!

We want to thank everyone for being so diligent with open communication about availabilities and reschedules. We very much so appreciate your efforts in these matters and it makes for a much easier league night! THANK YOU! 🙂


We’ve added a new section to the league updates titled “Table Assignments”. This has at least 3 weeks worth of table assignments ahead of schedule in the event any team wishes to play their matches early. To access, simply click on “Jump to Table Assignments” to take you to the list.


Table assignments for 06/12:
2Come & Stroke It … AgainvsKill Shot
3Bad MonkeysvsThe Right Meows
48 BallersvsBeauty & Beast
5The Dynamic DuovsWhiskey Tango Foxtrot
6Jolli-BeanvsCoup de Grace
7RobnarovsComeback Kids
11Pool BrothersvsItalian Stallions


We have added to the by-laws of the league. Please take a moment to review the updates by going to Divisions -> Monday Scotch Doubles, then reading through the info (or CLICK HERE).

We have 4 matches from Memorial Day that are still unplayed. Just a reminder to have them done BEFORE 06/12.

Table assignments for 06/05:
2Italian StallionsvsBad Monkeys
3Coup de GracevsWhiskey Tango Foxtrot
4Comeback KidsvsPool Brothers
5Beauty & BeastvsJolli-Bean
6Kill ShotvsRobnaro
7The Right MeowsvsThe Dynamic Duo
118 BallersvsCome & Stroke It … Again


All scores have been updated! There has been a change in the way the reporting is done. Points/Set was not a viable option on the system. At this time, we are looking at Average Points per Week. Simply take your team’s total points and divide by the number of weeks played. Any new teams that joined later on in the session will get the average points per week added to the missed weeks in order to even the playing field. If you have questions, please let us know!

Even though Monday is a holiday, we WILL still be hosting league. As this is a truncated session for Puerto Rico in November, we need all the weeks we can get. However, feel free to make-up your matches another week, as long as make-ups are done within two weeks of the original match date. Just be sure to let your opponent and league operator know.

Table assignments for 05/29:
2Whiskey Tango FoxtrotvsComeback Kids
3Pool Brothersvs8 Ballers
4Dynamic DuovsCue de Grace
5RobnarovsRight Meows
6Come & Stroke It … AgainvsItalian Stallions
7Jolli-BeanvsKill Shot
11Bad MonkeysvsBeauty & Beast


Apologies for the missing updates – we’ve been busy the past couple of weeks! Weekly updates WILL be resuming!

We are excited to bring in 2 more teams on Monday: Coup de Grace & Come and Stroke It … Again! Please welcome our newest league members: Elvis N, Michael H, and Colby B (partnering with Phil T)!

All scores have been updated, but we have been seeing a few trends. Please keep in mind the following:
  • Be sure to submit your scoresheet at the end of the night! There are a few teams who have never submitted a scoresheet. If a scoresheet isn’t entered, we go by your opponent’s info!
  • Any make-ups MUST be done in 2 week’s timeframe. This is to keep the schedule updated and standings accurate.
  • If you are unable to make your match during league night, please reach out to the league op AND your opponent in order to let them know of a reschedule. It’s an appreciated courtesy.
If you have any questions or concerns about the league format, please LET US KNOW! We appreciate and welcome any constructive criticism and are willing to discuss to make it a fun and enjoyable league for YOU.

Table assignments for tonight:
2Beauty & BeastvsDynamic Duo
3Comback KidsvsKill Shot
4Jolli-BeanvsBad Monkeys
58 BallersvsItalian Stallions
6Whiskey Tango FoxtrotvsThe Right Meows
7Come and Stroke It … AgainvsCoup de Grace
11Pool BrothersvsRobnaro


All scores have been submitted!

We had a fantastic first night! There are currently 11 teams at the time with more on the way. Expect to NOT have a bye in the near future.

Please make sure to select the correct players when entering scores.

If there are any questions or concerns regarding scoring app, format, etc – please feel free to contact us.

See you next Monday!