Categories 20SP


Happy Wednesday! All updates have been completed and match logs are available to be viewed. Last night, we were able to hand out T-Shirts to those who joined us in the Fall session. It was definitely nice to see the 2019 Founding Members shirts being worn during league night. Again, Continue Reading

Categories 20SP


We want to welcome everyone to the Spring 2020 Session of Houston USAPL! What a turnout last night for the start of our first full session! Thanks to those who returned from last session, and hello to the newcomers. It was good to see some familiar faces, but even better Continue Reading

Categories FA19


Last night was the end of Fall 2019 session! We want to thank each and every single one of the Tuesday league members for joining us on this new journey and having faith in us to be a part of of something brand new that no one has done before. Continue Reading