For the moment I’m sure everyone here is waiting for … we want to congratulate the following teams for coming in first place at the end of this session and for securing a spot in the Vegas Qualifier Tournament. Round of applause to ..
8 BALL | 9 BALL |
We hope everyone was able to experiment with digital scoring last night. Come Spring 2020, we will be transitioning to complete digital scoring going forward and phasing out paper scoresheets, so be sure to familiarize yourself with the Scoring App How-To! We will also start offering Bonus Points to teams who have their digital scoring and payments submitted at the end of Tuesday night every week: 50 points for digital scoring and 50 points for payments.
The schedule for Spring 2020 has also been released, so take a look at the league weeks to come. Please remember that if you need to make any changes to your team, please do so by 01/10/20! Utilize the online forms to get a team signed up so we can be ready to start the new session on 01/14/20.
Congrats to the following players for winning patches yesterday:
8 BALL | 9 BALL |
JASON – Break & Run | PEARL – Winzip CHRIS – Winzip MO – Winzip EDGAR – Winzip ROBERT – Winzip MATT W – Table Run |
More will be added to the website in the weeks to come, so be sure to keep your eyes open for more additions and updates!
We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Cheers to a successful Fall Session, and double cheers to more sessions to come with more teams. Can’t wait to see all your faces in 2020!