We want to welcome everyone to the Spring 2020 Session of Houston USAPL! What a turnout last night for the start of our first full session! Thanks to those who returned from last session, and hello to the newcomers. It was good to see some familiar faces, but even better to see new ones. We went from 5 teams in Fall to 9 teams this Spring. And we have YOU to thank! Here’s to all of us having a great time together!
The schedule has been uploaded to the Division page, so you are now able to see the full session matchups. The current standings have also been updated with the scores entered. Match logs are available for all to view. Everyone will now have access to the Members Only part of the website, which includes current rosters for the whole league as well as images of match logs. Please do not change the password as this is to be used for all Tuesday league members! Username: MontroseTue, Password: (sent by text)
With the schedule now set up, digital scoring is also available starting next Tuesday! If you have not claimed your Fargo Rate ID # yet and install the USAPL scoring app, now would be a good time to do so. Believe me, it makes scoring a WHOLE LOT EASIER!
We will also start to add bonus points beginning WEEK 3 of league: 50 points for scoring and 50 points for payment. Scoring can be either digital or on paper, but opposing teams must have the same information. Payment can be cash or digital, but the correct amount must be collected at the end of league night.
Everyone will be added to a group text string. This is for us to let everyone know when updates have been made on the website, as well as for any emergency alerts that may happen (because it never floods in Houston, right?!). Keep in mind that since every member is included, please do not respond back unless you have something that all 66 members need to be aware of. Most teams have their own text group, so we highly suggest team captains and/or co-captains set one up for your individual team to discuss team stuff and/or weekly roll call.
If you have not gone through the website yet, please do so when you have a chance. We strongly believe in the easy access of information, and this is set up for members to do exactly that. The website will continue to be updated and things will be added. The latest add is Quick Links: Patches. This allows everyone to know what patches you are eligible for and how to earn them each session. Our next addition currently being worked on is a section for “How to Win a Vegas Trip”.
If you want to see something added or have any feedback and/or suggestions, please let us know! We are here for you all, and your opinions matter! We will do our best to make this league Fair & Fun for Everyone!
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